Our mission is to help people take control of their sleep health.

Currently, there are no effective early-stage treatment options for Obstructive Sleep Apnea.


We want to change that.

1 in 5 adults have sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea is a pervasive disease affecting a vast proportion of the population, contributing significantly to negative health consequences. Most of these sufferers are in the early to mid stages of Sleep Apnea.


The current gold standard only treats the symptoms of sleep apnea.

There is a lack of effective treatments for early-to-mid stage Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Currently, the gold standard treatment is CPAP, which is effective for late-stage sufferers, but undesirable due to cost, inconvenience, and side-effects.

We have developed a new interventional treatment - Aeolus.

Aeolus targets patients in the early to mid stages of Sleep Apnea, providing a low-cost myofunctional therapy which allows sufferers to take control of their sleep health and treat the root cause of OSA.